Bd139 Pinout
Bd139 pinout
The BD139 is a NPN complementary low voltage NPN transistor in 3 pin SOT-32 package. This device is designed for audio amplifiers and drivers utilizing complementary or quasi-complementary circuits. Products are pre-selected in DC current gain. Collector to emitter voltage (Vce) is 80V. Collector current (Ic) is 1.5A.
Why BD139 is used?
BD139 transistor is mainly used in beginner electronics projects in the educational field like in Arduino projects, microcontroller projects, etc. This transistor drives different loads upto 1500mA so we can drive & control different electronic equipment by using it.
Is the BD139 an NPN or PNP transistor?
BD 139 transistors are NPN transistors and BD140 transistors are PNP transistors. Similar to other transistors they also have 3 pins and their pin configuration is shown in the image above.
What if the transistor is replaced by BD139?
The complementary PNPtransistor to the BD139 is the BD140. SMD Equivalent The SMD version of the BD139 is available as the BCP56(SOT-223). Replacement and equivalent transistor for the BD139 You can replace the BD139 with the BD139G, BD169, BD179, BD230, BD237, BD237G, BD379, BD789, BD791, MJE242, MJE244or MJE722.
Why 2N2222 transistor is used?
The 2N2222 is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) used for general purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for low to medium current, low power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. It was originally made in the TO-18 metal can as shown in the picture.
Is BC547 same as 2N2222?
BC547 vs 2N2222 Interchangeability The 2N2222 has an emitter, base, and collector pinout, whereas the BC547 has a collector, base, and emitter pinout. The collector to base voltage at 2N2222 is 60 volts, whereas it is 50 volts at BC547, and the collector to emitter voltage is 30 volts at 2N2222 vs 45 volts at BC547.
Which transistor is best for switching?
Both PNP and NPN transistors can be utilized as switches. A basic terminal transistor can be handled differently from a signal amplifier by biasing both NPN and PNP bipolar transistors by an “ON / OFF” static switch. One of the main uses of the transistor to transform a DC signal “On” or “OFF” is solid-state switches.
Why we use MOSFET instead of BJT?
BJTs have switching frequencies of up to hundreds of kHz, while MOSFETs can easily switch devices in the MHz range. So, for high-frequency applications where switching losses have a major role in the total power loss, MOSFET is preferred.
Why BC547 transistor is used?
BC547 is usually used for current amplifier, quick switching and pulse-width modulation (PWM). Therefore, if you need to control the speed of a motor or actuator in some of your projects, you can simply use this transistor to achieve it.
How do I know if my Plc is NPN or PNP?
Power on the system and carefully measure the voltage between 0V and the black wire. If there is a voltage of +24V when the sensor is active, it is a PNP-type sensor. If there is a 0V reading on the multimeter when the sensor is active, it is most likely an NPN sensor.
Can we use NPN transistor instead of PNP?
Answer: NPN and PNP transistors are interchangeable if you remember one simple rule: A bipolar transistor is essentially two back-to-back diodes with the base being the common connection.
Should I use an NPN or PNP transistor?
A current flowing into the base of the NPN turns on the transistor whereas a current flowing out of the base turns on the PNP. Thus the most common use for NPN devices is for switching the ground side of a circuit. PNP devices are used to switch from the positive side.
Is transistor better than MOSFET?
MOSFETs are voltage-controlled. So, you can just charge their Gate once and now you have no more current draw, and they stay on. BJT transistors, on the other hand, are current-controlled, so to keep them on you have to keep sourcing (for NPN) or sinking (for PNP) current through their Base to Emitter channel.
Can I use transistor instead of MOSFET?
But, you cannot replace one with the other in an existing circuit. The circuit has to be designed for one or the other. [u]Here is a transistor-driver circuit[/u]. [u]Here is a MOSFET driver circuit[/u].
Can a transistor wear out?
And wear they do—though you'll probably never notice it. The degradation of their transistors over time leads slowly but surely to decreased switching speeds, and it can even result in outright circuit failures.
What is the difference between 2N2222 and 2N2222A?
What are 2N2222 and 2N2222A Transistors? Both transistors are from the same family but the 2N2222A has higher Maximum absolute ratings than 2N2222. The Collector to Base, Emitter to Base, and Collector to Emitter voltage ratings of 2N2222 and 2N2222A are 60V, 30V, 5V, and 75V, 40V, 6V respectively.
How much voltage can a 2N2222 handle?
Both the 2N3904 and 2N2222 are identical in terms of handling collector-to-emitter voltages, and both can handle voltages of up to 40V. In simple terms, this effectively means that 40V is the maximum amount of voltage that the transistor can handle minus the voltage drop across the load connected to the collector.
How much current can a 2N2222 handle?
Typically, a 2N2222 transistor is able to switch 800 mA of load current through it, which may be considered quite high compared to the miniature size owned by these devices. High current switching capability also makes this device ideally suited for linear amplifier applications.
Can I use C945 instead of 2N2222?
As far as specs are concerned the C945 has more gain, Hfe, than the 2N2222, but for most applications yes you could use C945 in place of the 2N2222. One issue though is C945 has different pin out than the 2N2222. The 2N2222 base has pin out of emitter-base-collector (base is center pin).
Can I use 2N2222 instead of 2N2222A?
The 2N2222A is the "improved" version of the 2N2222. You should be able to substitute the former for the latter in any circuit (but not necessarily vice versa). I would suspect that you wouldn't be able to find a supplier of the 2N2222 these days since the A version has been around for a long time.
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